What should do to prevent from IUGR?

This disease always increase from smoking, drinking alcohal and using different type of drugs for relaxation. During the pregnancy, before starting these things, ask your doctor that will help you in your quite activities or a hard time to stopping.
If you have an issue in preexisting health condition especailly during the pregnancy, don’t feel hesitation to get free advice. Dr. Morice is the expert and experienced surgeon of his team for a best treatment of tubal reversal surgery and IUGR. Read More...

What are main effects of IUGR?

Babies with IUGR faces health risks during the woma’s pregnancy or labor because a lack of oxygen and nutrients are at a higher risk of baby birth.
Babies with these things can delicate and vaginal delivery can pose risk to delievered cesarean section. After the birth of child, a growth restricted of baby is more due to a weakend immunity or blood sugar. Read More...